#SQLSat82 Indianapolis: Don’t Rely on Your Boss to Train You!
Let’s be totally honest….budgets are tight. My 401K is taking a hit from the stock market. Business are holding onto their capital like Linus and that darn blanket of his. So with all the new tech coming out from Microsoft how are you going to possibly keep up with every little change?!
Well, the sessions for SQL Saturday #82 Indianapolis are now officially official. We’ve got a great line up for an ALL DAY FREE event of SQL Server training set up. So if you have the chance to go then please sign-up. It’ll only cost you for lunch when a training company would probably charge you about a thousand bucks for what we are going to show you.
And if you can’t come but know someone whom would benefit then please send the link on to them….heck Tweet, Facebook, and LinkedIn all of your friends and colleagues that are in the area. Not only will you be helping out some DBA and Developers whom are in need of some serious training but by helping them …you make the communities knowledge base that much better… which makes America’s knowledge base that much better …. then that helps the American economy….and Durn It! ( copyright 2010 Andy Leonard ( blog | twitter ) ) That’s just a darn patriotic thing to do!
So without further ado…here’s our speaker lineup!
Start Time
BI Track
Developer Track
SQl Server Track 2
SQl Server Track 1
08:30 AM
William E. Pearson III
Getting Started with MDX
Arie Jones
Getting Started With Service Broker
Sarah Barela
SQL Server Forensics: Tracking your users
Kevin Kline
SQL Server Internals and Architecture
09:45 AM
John Welch
Do More (ETL) with Less (Effort) – Automating SSIS
Aaron King
Multi-Tenant Database Model with SQL Azure
John Magnabosco
Exploring Data Privacy
Craig Purnell
Upgrade Roadmap: taking YOU to R2
11:00 AM
William E. Pearson III
An Overview of PowerPivot for Excel
Janis Griffin
Looney Tuner? No, there IS a method to my madness
Kevin Boles
SQL Server Memory Deep Dive
Kim Tessereau
Indexes and Execution Plans
01:00 PM
Ira Whiteside
Creating a Metadata Mart w/ SSIS – Data Governance
Craig Purnell
NoSQL- What is it and why do I care?
Arie Jones
Take Control of Your Databases with PBM!
Eddie Wuerch
TempDB Performance Troubleshooting and Optimizing
02:15 PM
John Welch
Tuning Analysis Services Processing Performance
Kevin Boles
Advanced TSQL Solutions
Craig Purnell
Database Mirroring in the Real World
Luke Jian
Back to basics – How does the Algebrizer work
03:30 PM
Arie Jones
Reporting Services Greatness!
Norman Kelm
PowerShell, the New SQL Hammer
Kevin Kline
Top 10 Admin Mistakes on SQL Server
Janis Griffin
Performance Management – 2008 MDW – How & Why