Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-Fecta Presentations

Well, the 1st annual Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-Fecta has come and gone. It was a blast from beginning to end. The pre-event was a lot of fun as my group really killed Scott Hanselman’s group at bowling.

Thanks to Julie for coordinating a great event as everything went off without too many hitches. I was lucky enough to be able to give 4 presentations during the day( 1 due to a cancellation) which were all a real blast. One guy actually said he was going to recommend me for an MVP..LOL. Hopefully, he is in tight with Bill and Melinda….

So for all those people whom wanted the slides and demos….(remember SMOoggle is already Trademarked and Copyrighted ) they all are convienently zipped up in a single package.

Rocky Mountain Stuff
